Course description

The Simplify Your Spiritual Path online course is for you if…

  • You feel stuck on your spiritual journey or disillusioned with other spiritual teachings that haven’t produced consistent results.
  • You’re held back by a big block in your life—such as your physical health, a painful relationship or a loss or tragedy—that you’ve tried nearly everything to mend.
  • You’re struggling to forgive, and you want to make peace with your past.
  • You suffer from painful emotions—like sadness, shame or regret—and want to liberate yourself from emotional pain.
$399.00 $399.00
This Transformational Online Course Includes:
  • 10 transformative lessons that will catalyze your spiritual growth and bring you true clarity and relief
  • Energetic healing transmissions infused into each lesson to spur your healing and awakening simply through watching
  • Practical on-the-spot exercises to resolve any stagnant or deep blocks impeding your path
  • Powerful channeled mantras to anchor each teaching and excavate greater ease, freedom and joy in your life
  • Exclusive audience Q&A sessions so that you can witness how to apply these teachings to real-life struggles—and watch people heal before your eyes


Matt Kahn

Matt Kahn is the author of the best-selling books Whatever Arises, Love That and Everything is Here to Help You. His third book, The Universe Always Has A Plan, will publish with Hay House in 2020. He is a spiritual teacher, and highly-attuned empathic healer who has become a YouTube sensation with his healing and often humorous videos. His more than 16 million YouTube channel viewers are finding the support they seek to feel more loved, awakened, and opened to the greatest possibilities in life through the invitation to join the "Love Revolution That Begins with You."

“We’re not just here to know the truth—we’re here to live it.”
- Matt Khan

What You’ll Learn

You’ve done nothing wrong.

In Golden Rule #1, you’ll begin simplifying your spiritual journey by learning to let go of regret and release yourself from self-blame. Matt teaches you how each and every moment of your life is designed exactly how it was intended—and how it is meant to reward you with a greater perspective, never punish you. You’ll discover that, as Matt says, “we’re not here to fix ourselves; we’re here to expand ourselves…so that we can rejoice instead of regret.” This powerful opening lesson will guide you to surrender all forms of self-blame, self-judgment, and self-criticism so that you’ll be able to see each moment of your life with compassion, ease, and as it was intended: perfect.

Anyone who blames you isn’t happy.

In Golden Rule #2, you’ll start to unpack unhappiness and recognize that those who blame you are actually deeply entrenched in their own suffering. In this lesson Matt teaches you how the unhappy people in your life are actually here for your evolutionary benefit and how they are doorways to greater happiness. He shares the keys to unlocking true joy and helps you understand that happiness is much more than a feeling—it is, in fact, a relationship with well-being and a state of peaceful resolution. You will also be guided to see forgiveness in an entirely new light.

Hardships can be fast-tracked through thankfulness.

“Change and loss are some of the deepest ways that life evolves you out of the ego and into the soul,” Matt says, and in Golden Rule #3 you’ll discover how to use your adversities to fast-track your way into the light. You’ll learn how hardships are not here to hinder you but rather move you forward, and that when life seemingly slows you down, it’s actually asking you to take a deeper look. Matt teaches you how to cultivate thankfulness for the negative experiences in your life, and he reveals that the speed at which you evolve is completely up to you—it’s determined by how often you bring gratitude to the table.

Feeling better helps everyone heal.

In Golden Rule #4, Matt reveals that your personal happiness is not a selfish need but actually a service to all. When you feel better, especially in the presence of others, you participate in uplifting their consciousness and expediting their spiritual path. This is one of the most courageous and powerful ways you can help everyone around you heal—particularly those people whom you find the most difficult. By surrendering the need to hold back your happiness and enthusiasm, you’ll begin to radiate your well-being to others and become a true lightworker, banishing darkness from this planet.

Well-being is a signal that you are ready to embody your potential.

The more often you recognize the presence of well-being within you, the more clearly you signal to the Universe that you are aware of your perfection and wholeness. This, in effect, sends the message that you’re ready and able to receive more—that you’re prepared to embody your soul’s potential. In Golden Rule #5, Matt shows you how aligning with your breath on a regular basis is the key to sending this signal as clearly as possible, for it taps you directly into experiencing your own inner well-being. With no effort at all, you’ll learn how to take your power back by reuniting with your breath and banish any feelings of deficiency along the way.

The Universe always has a plan.

The first five Golden Rules taught you how to harmonize your relationship with yourself and others—but with Golden Rule #6, you’ll start to expand into a more universal viewpoint. In this rule, Matt reveals that you are always carrying out the Universe’s plan, whether or not you think you’ve chosen well or made “mistakes.” You’ll discover that no matter what occurs, you are experiencing life unfolding in a perfect, precise way to help you grow and remember who you came here to be. Matt also teaches you why there’s no such thing as “random,” what “wanting” really means, and why you can’t ever get it “wrong.”  

Everything changes, but it can only change you for the better.

Golden Rule #7 dives even deeper into the concepts laid out in Golden Rule #6. In this rule, Matt teaches you that life will always change—but at every turn, it is guaranteed to change you into a better version of yourself. He shows you how to step out of fearing the threat of change and become a willing participant in life’s journey through a powerful, functional practice of stillness and surrender that he calls “being meditated.” You’ll learn how to let your life meditate you through fully embodied listening, to stop negotiating with life in times of stress or turmoil, and to let the grace of every outcome shape you into the perfection of your highest potential.

In order to be emotionally free, it’s okay to dislike.

In Golden Rule #8, you’ll break apart the belief that to be spiritually evolved, you can’t dislike—because nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, as Matt explains, the adverse experiences that happen to us “aren’t trying to be liked…their mission is to evolve us to our next level of consciousness; they’re designed to help us grow.” He teaches you that dislike is not a judgment or condemnation but a recognition of something foreign to your core values—a detection that you are not in resonance with a certain reality. By giving yourself permission to dislike whatever (or whomever) bothers you, you honor life’s expansion process and gain clarity on the deepest values you hold to be true. 

Projecting anger drains you of energy.

Golden Rule #9 piggybacks off Golden Rule #8. While you now know that it’s okay to dislike, it’s equally important to recognize that if dislike spills over from an awareness into a feeling of anger, you put yourself at risk of draining your well-being. In this rule, Matt teaches you what anger really stems from—repressed passion—and he shares the most powerful practice you can do to balance and ground yourself: creative expression. You’ll learn how art, in any form, helps guide your soul’s evolution and release the unhealthy energy caught in your body by allowing you to break your silence, express what needs to be heard, and set yourself free.

Love is your liberator.

As your spiritual path becomes more and more simplified, you’ll come face to face with the most powerful realization of all: that you are an expression of love in physical form, not a character waiting to be loved. And that’s where Golden Rule #10 caps off your spiritual journey. Here, Matt teaches you that love is the light of your true nature, and that love—not other people—is your liberator, setting you free from all pain. He guides you to uncover what in you cries out to be loved by you; to heal it with honesty, receptivity, and willingness; and to shine your light at full capacity. By the end of this lesson you’ll emerge into a brand-new beginning…and return to the world healed, redeemed, and transformed.

Everything Is Here to Help You Audio Book

Matt Kahn’s breakthrough book Everything Is Here to Help You offers an emotionally supportive way to shift out of the inner war of ego and into the illuminated presence of your soul. In this downloadable audio version of the book, Matt clearly redefines the spiritual path for the modern-day seeker and offers you innovative ways to resolve your fear, unravel your judgments and view your life from a clear and expanded perspective. Breathing fresh life into the spiritual journey, Matt lays out a revolutionary and loving approach to your personal growth and healing.

Community Learning Audio Downloads

Tune in to hear recordings from past live online events in which Matt Kahn answered questions from former students of this course. With additional teachings and insights from Matt and this spiritual community you’ll get an even deeper understanding of what you’re learning in this course.

Spiritual Awakenings Audio Downloads

Join Matt Kahn in this powerful 4-hour series where he expands on ideas he introduced in the course. From busting spiritual myths, to learning to love yourself as you are, to trusting your spiritual path, this material is the perfect addition to take your learning deeper. 

The Universe Always Has a Plan Audio Book

In Matt Kahn’s brand-new audio book The Universe Always Has a Plan, which was inspired by the creation of this course, he will guide you on your spiritual path by going deeper into the 10 Golden Rules for emotional freedom. Matt’s mantras and exercises will enable you to jumpstart your spiritual growth and unlock the Universe’s plan for you.

This Transformational Online Course Includes:
  • 10 transformative lessons that will catalyze your spiritual growth and bring you true clarity and relief
  • Energetic healing transmissions infused into each lesson to spur your healing and awakening simply through watching
  • Practical on-the-spot exercises to resolve any stagnant or deep blocks impeding your path
  • Powerful channeled mantras to anchor each teaching and excavate greater ease, freedom and joy in your life
  • Exclusive audience Q&A sessions so that you can witness how to apply these teachings to real-life struggles—and watch people heal before your eyes
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What Students are Saying about this course

Lorena Paz

Amazing. This course is a warm explanation of the Truth. It reminds me how to love myself. Thank you Matt Kahn.

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