Healer, Psychic, Medium
Course description
"If you're on the path you're meant to be on, everything falls into place; the Universe is telling you that. If you are not on the right path, you will experience roadblocks all along the way, and this is also the Universe telling you to stop, look, and ask if this is where you are supposed to be." - James Van Praagh
Online Video Course Includes:
- 6 Comprehensive and Confidence Building Video Lessons
- Healer, Psychic Intuitive, Medium Course Journal
- Explorative Journal Exercises to Practice and Develop Your Spiritual Gifts
- Exclusive Guided Meditations
Never doubt your gut feelings or what you sense as knowing again! Learn to honor your truth and your calling to do important spirit or creative work. The world needs your light and you are here now to discover your gifts and use them in your time here on earth to realize your dreams and to help others realize theirs.
This comprehensive and engaging course includes James’s Healer, Psychic, Medium Course Journal so you can track your insights and progress as you work through each lesson. You’ll also have access to downloadable audio meditations created specifically for this online course you can use again and again to further develop and nurture your spiritual gifts...
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