Course description

Join Louise Hay & Friends on this Fabulous Journey to Self-Love!

Loving Yourself: 21 Days to Improved Self-Esteem Online Video Course is the first step in realizing your true power in achieving the love, the prosperity, and the relationships you’ve been longing for.

Each day for 21 days, you'll learn how to:

  • Live the life that reflects the truth of who you really are
  • Achieve self-knowledge and self-acceptance
  • Recognize your heart’s desire
  • Gain confidence to listen to and follow your inner guidance
  • Cultivate your soul gifts – all of those talents you’ve come to share with the world
  • Realize that self-love makes it so much easier for others to love you
  • Have less drama and fewer conflicts
  • Heal our personal suffering and the suffering of others through self-love
$89.00 $89.00
This Exclusive Online Course Includes:
  • 21 mirror work exercises to take you from self-doubt to self-love
  • A daily, life-affirming, Heart Thought practice
  • Bonus Anger Releasing Visualization Exercises
  • The Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook to teach you how to connect with your higher self
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Louise Hay

Louise Hay was an inspirational teacher, incredible visionary and self-help pioneer who educated millions since the 1984 publication of her bestseller, You Can Heal Your Life, which has more than 50 million copies in print worldwide and spent 16 weeks on the New York Times bestsellers list. She appeared on The Oprah Winfrey Show and many other TV and radio programs both in the U.S. and abroad.


Renowned for demonstrating the power of affirmations to bring about self-healing and positive change, Louise was the author of more than 30 books, including the bestsellers The Power is Within You and Heal Your Body. In addition to her books, Louise produced numerous audio and video programs, card decks, online courses, and other resources for leading a healthy, joyous, and fulfilling life.

Louise was dubbed “the closest thing to a living saint” by the Australian media and in 1985, Louise began her famous support group, “The Hayride,” with six men diagnosed with AIDS. By 1988, the group had grown to a weekly gathering of 800 people and had moved to an auditorium in West Hollywood.

In 1987, what began as a small venture in the living room of her home turned into Hay House, Inc.: the largest publisher of self-help books, events, and courses. Hay House has sold millions of books and products worldwide and now has offices in California, New York, London, Sydney and New Delhi.


The non-profit Hay Foundation, established by Louise in 1986, continues to support organizations that enhance the quality of life for people, animals, and our environment.


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Instagram page: @hayhouseinc

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Robert Holden, Ph.D.

Robert Holden’s innovative work on psychology and spirituality has been featured on The Oprah Winfrey Show, Good Morning America, a PBS special Shift Happens! and in two major BBC-TV documentaries on happiness. He is a New York Times best-selling author of 10 books including: Happiness NOW!, Shift Happens!, Authentic Success, Be Happy, Loveability and Life Loves You (co-written with Louise Hay). Robert’s latest project is editor of Trust Life: Love Yourself Every Day with Wisdom from Louise Hay (published Oct 2018).

Robert has given over 50 keynote talks for I CAN DO IT! events worldwide. He is a coach and mentor to entrepreneurs and companies like Dove & the Real Beautiful Campaign, Virgin, The Body Shop and Google. Robert is a trustee of the Miracle Network UK – supporting A Course in Miracles. He is on the Guest Faculty of the University of Santa Monica. He is an official contributor to

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  • Louise Hay
  • Robert Holden, Ph.D.

"Love is the biggest eraser I know. Love erases even the deepest and most painful memories because love goes deeper than anything else. Do you want a life of pain or one of joy? The choice and power are always within you. Look into your eyes, and love you and the little child within." - Louise Hay

What You’ll Learn

Day 1 :
Loving Yourself with Louise Hay

On this first day Louise Hay teaches us why it’s so important to Love Yourself and how a mirror can help us build the most important relationship in our lives.

Day 2 :
Your Mirror is Your Friend

Day two is all about mirror work and how it works. We practice basic exercises and learn to look closely at ourselves and beyond our old beliefs

Day 3 :
Monitoring Your Self-Talk

Today we learn more about changing self-talk, releasing old junk from the past and living in the present moment.

Day 4 :
Letting Go of Your Past

Today we start to let go, release blame, and forgive and move on.

Day 5 :
Building Your Self-Esteem

On this day we learn more about loving yourself through respect, gratitude and the realization that your body, mind and soul are a miracle to be appreciated

Day 6 :
Releasing Your Inner Critic

Releasing your inner critic is today’s lesson. We learn to break the habit of judgment and self-criticism and go beyond the need to put ourselves down

Day 7 :
Loving Yourself: A Review of Your First Week with Robert Holden

Today we recap the week, look at how far we’ve come and at all the work we’ve accomplished to help us break free of our old beliefs and discover future possibilities.

Day 8 :
Loving Your Inner Child - Part 1 with Heather Dane

In day 8 we look beyond the adult we see in the mirror and meet our inner child.

Day 9 :
Loving Your Inner Child - Part 2 Heather Dane

Today, we use our mirror work to forgive the past and begin to love the beautiful child within.

Day 10 :
Loving Your Body with Ahlea Khadro

On day 10 we learn about pain and what it is, where it comes from, what it’s telling us, and what we can learn from it.

Day 11 :
Feeling Good with Mona Lisa Schulz

Day 11 addresses anger. We go over how to process it, how to release it before it makes us sick, and how to end up allowing space inside for more positive experiences.

Day 12 :
Overcoming Your Fears with David Kessler

Today we learn about overcoming fear. We learn how to defuse the power fear has over us and trust that life is taking care of us

Day 13 :
Starting Your Day with Love with Robert Holden

Today we discover that how we start our day can determine our experience for the rest of the day. We learn how the power of positivity can change everything.

Day 14 :
Loving Yourself: A Review of Your Second Week with Robert Holden

It’s time for another recap and another look at how well we’re progressing in our mirror work. Today we learn to give ourselves more time and encouragement on this journey.

Day 15 :
Forgiving Yourself and Those Who Have Hurt You with David Kessler

Today’s lesson is about forgiveness–forgiving ourselves and those who have hurt us. It’s a difficult lesson but one that will open our hearts to a new level of Loving Yourself.

Day 16 :
Healing Your Relationships with David Kessler

Love is our topic for today. Whether you want to release an old love, heal a broken relationship or looking for a new love, you can find your answers here.

Day 17 :
Living Stress Free with Mona Lisa Schulz

We devote today’s lesson to the topic of stress.

Day 18 :
Receiving Your Prosperity with Heather Dane

Today we ask: Do you believe that you are a magnet for miracles, money, prosperity and abundance? You can be if you are open to receiving it.

Day 19 :
Living Your Attitude of Gratitude with Ahlea Khadro

We devote this day to thanking Life for all its many gifts and to learning how to live with an attitude of gratitude every day.

Day 20 :
Teaching Your Kids Mirror Work

Children aren’t immune to the stresses of life. Learn how to practice mirror work with your kids and watch the miracles begin to happen.

Day 21 :
Loving Yourself: Course Summary: 12 Ways to Love Yourself with Robert Holden

You did it! When you start to love yourself more each day, it’s amazing how your life will get better. Today we recap these last 21 days and show how to keep moving forward on this healing journey.

Bonus :
You Can Heal Your Life Study Course

You Can Heal Your Life Study Course featuring 6 videos and an additional Visualizing Exercise - Anger Releasing

This Exclusive Online Course Includes:
  • 21 mirror work exercises to take you from self-doubt to self-love
  • A daily, life-affirming, Heart Thought practice
  • Bonus Anger Releasing Visualization Exercises
  • The Love Yourself, Heal Your Life Workbook to teach you how to connect with your higher self
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free exclusive bonus gifts included

In this unique study course with Louise Hay, learn exercises and affirmations to help create new thought patterns so you can learn to truly love yourself.


Visualization exercises for releasing negative feelings and maximizing your true inner potential.


Companion workbook to You Can Heal Your Life, which includes exploratory writing exercises to teach you how to connect with your higher self.

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retail value including all bonus gifts
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