Course description

Online Video Course Includes:

  • Seven video lessons with the world’s leading expert on the chakras
  • Learning about the developmental stage of each chakra  
  • How to recognize excessive and deficient chakras
  • Practical exercises and simple yoga poses to help you 
    balance each chakra
  • Downloadable worksheets to take your learning further 

Anodea Judith is the world’s bestselling author and foremost expert on the chakras. She has taught all over the world and written seven books. She is renowned for her expertise at interpreting the chakra system and making it not only relevant but also profoundly therapeutic for the hectic Western lifestyle. This course will encourage you to make deep and profound changes by using the chakra system as a lens through which you look at life, as a way to relate to other people and as a way to connect with higher levels of consciousness. It will encourage you to examine your beliefs, open up your awareness and reach new levels of understanding.

$59.00 $59.00
Online Course Includes:
  • Seven video lessons with the world’s leading expert on the chakras
  • Learning about the developmental stage of each chakra  
  • How to recognize excessive and deficient chakras
  • Practical exercises and simple yoga poses to help you 
    balance each chakra
  • Downloadable worksheets to take your learning further 
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Anodea Judith PhD

Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is the author or co-author of eight books on various aspects of healing, psychology, spirituality, social change, and yoga, most notably as seen through the system of energy centers known as chakras. Her first book, released in 1987, Wheels of Life, has sold over 250,000 copies in the U.S., with translations in 24 languages, selling even better today after nearly 30 years. She holds Masters and Doctoral degrees in Psychology and Human Health, is a 500-hour registered yoga teacher (E-RYT), with lifelong studies of psychology, mythology, sociology, history, systems theory, and mystic spirituality. She is considered one of the country's foremost experts on the combination of chakras and therapeutic issues and on the interpretation of the Chakra System for the Western lifestyle. She teaches across the world, and has been a speaker at numerous conferences, such as Yoga Journal, Institute of Noetic Sciences, and Healing Touch, and an ongoing faculty member of The Shift Network, Kripalu Yoga Center, New York Open Center, Omega, and many other retreat centers and yoga studios.

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What You’ll Learn

Lesson 1 :
The Root Chakra

Begin your chakra journey by getting in touch with your root chakra, which develops during early infancy and represents survival. It connects us to the earth and encourages us to ground our body, appreciate it as a sacred temple and develop deep roots before embarking on our spiritual journey. Learn how to create more harmony and feel safer and more secure in your physical body with some simple grounding exercises.

Lesson 2 :
The Sacral Chakra

Chakra two is all about learning to move with the ebb and flow of life. We want to be able to shift our bodies with ease and grace and keep things moving forwards freely in our lives. This chakra is also linked to discovering polarities, trying something different and moving towards pleasure. By embracing what we enjoy, and making sure that life is a pleasant experience, we will have the courage to fully explore what feels right or wrong for us.

Lesson 3 :
The Solar Plexus Chakra

The third chakra relates to the internal organs, and is the engine that fills us with vitality, fire, strength of will and our true power. It helps to steer our lives and gives us the energy to keep going during difficult times. Exercises to unblock stuck energy and light the fires of your power will help you to find balance, and bring your intention and your energy together so that you have the will to get things done.

Lesson 4 :
The Heart Chakra

Discover the sacred realm of the heart and the meeting of inside and outside, self and other, experiencing and expressing love – which brings us one step closer to unity. This is the chakra where we connect to our breath to find balance and peace. By learning to heal the heart from the hurts we have all experienced, and practising heart-opening exercises to find self-love, we can relate to other people with more intimacy and authenticity, to bring us closer to love.

Lesson 5 :
The Throat Chakra

Learn to explore the throat chakra by letting sound out, expressing yourself and finding freedom from toxic situations. Sound, as a way to communicate, is important in this chakra – every sound and vibration has an impact on us and using sound to communicate effectively makes our personal relationships stronger. By finding your voice and speaking the truth you will find your way to harmony and resonance.

Lesson 6 :
The Third-eye Chakra

Light and sight are key to the third-eye chakra – seeing with our intuition, imagination and even our dreams, and having a vision for our lives. This is the first of the transpersonal chakras – where we start to transcend and detach from our daily life to look at the world from a wider perspective, which the exercises in this lesson will help you to achieve.

Lesson 7 :
The Crown Chakra

The seventh chakra is where we can expand and raise our consciousness, transcending everything that distracts us in everyday life to reach the realm of the infinite, rather than living in the finite. Learning to sit in meditation is a powerful way to access the seventh chakra, and will keep your mind clean and help you go deeper and move towards experiencing states of divine transcendence.

Conclusion :

Learn to bring all your newfound knowledge together and where to go from here. You should feel fully equipped to use the chakra formula for wholeness, and to realize the full spectrum of your possibility.

Bonus :

Learn how to draw your chakras and carry out an energetic reading of your drawing. Anodea demonstrates how she draws her own chakras and the accompanying worksheet guides you through the process for yourself, explaining how you can use it as a valuable self-awareness exercise. Discover what your chakra drawing says about you.

Online Course Includes:
  • Seven video lessons with the world’s leading expert on the chakras
  • Learning about the developmental stage of each chakra  
  • How to recognize excessive and deficient chakras
  • Practical exercises and simple yoga poses to help you 
    balance each chakra
  • Downloadable worksheets to take your learning further 
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