Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Ph.D.

Robert Lawrence Kuhn, Ph.D.
Robert Lawrence Kuhn is the creator and host of the Closer To Truth television series and author/editor of the companion book, <i>CLOSER TO TRUTH: Challenging Current Belief</i>. He is the author or editor of more than twenty books, including the <i>Handbook for Creative and Innovative Managers</i> (McGraw-Hill), the <i>Library of Investment Banking (Dow Jones-Irwin), and Made In China; Voices of the New Revolution</i> (TV Books).<br> Dr. Kuhn is an international investment banker and corporate strategist. He is president of The Geneva Companies one of the leading and largest mergers and acquisitions (M&A) firm for middle market private business in the United States, and managing director of Salomon Smith Barney, a division of Citigroup. Citigroup is the preeminent global financial service institution, including Citibank, Travelers Insurance, and Salomon Smith Barney.<br> Since 1989, Dr. Kuhn has worked with leading institutions in the People's Republic of China, including the Science and Technology Ministry, the State Council Information Office, and China Central Television (CCTV). He is the executive producer of Capital Wave, the first series on mergers and acquisitions broadcast on Chinese television, and In Search of China, a PBS documentary (he is the author of the companion book of the same title). Dr. Kuhn is Chairman of Kuhn Media Group, a television and media production company in the U.S., and Pacvia Communications, an independent television and media company in United States and China that produces television series for China Central Television and syndication in China and distributes Chinese-related programming in the U.S.
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