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  1. Dr Joe Dispenza
    Dr Joe Dispenza
    • Online Courses

    Dr Joe’s passion can be found at the intersection of the latest findings from the fields of neuroscience,...

  2. James F. Twyman
    James F. Twyman
    • Audiobooks
    James F. Twyman is the best-selling author of ten books, including Emissary of Light and The Art of Spiritual...
  3. David Frei
    David Frei
    • Audio
    David Frei is well-known to millions of television viewers as the longtime co-host of USA Network's annual telecast...
  4. Dianne Schwartz
    Dianne Schwartz
    • Audiobooks

    Dianne, a former model and business owner, is...

  5. Alan Cohen
    Alan Cohen
    • Online Courses

    Alan Cohen, M.A., is the author of 23 popular inspirational books, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn't...

  6. Alison Edwards
    Alison Edwards
    Alison Edwards set up the Polden Naturopathic Centre in Somerset, England, more than 20 years ago. She is a...
  7. Amit Goswami, Ph.D.
    Amit Goswami, Ph.D.
    • Audiobooks
    Amit Goswami, Ph.D., has been a professor of physics at the University of Oregon for 34 years. He is the author of...
  8. Amy Dean
    Amy Dean
    • Hardcovers
    Amy E. Dean began her career as a bestselling author and nationally known speaker by writing books on self-help,...
  9. Andrew Weil
    Andrew Weil
    Andrew Weil, M.D., is a Harvard Medical School graduate who also holds an AB degree in biology (botany) from Harvard...
  10. Angi Ma Wong
    Angi Ma Wong
    Angi Ma Wong is an internationally recognized feng shui expert/consultant and the bestselling author of Feng Shui...
  11. Anne Wilson Schaef
    Anne Wilson Schaef
    Anne Wilson Schaef, Ph.D., the bestselling author of Meditiations for Women Who Do To Much (two million-plus copies...
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